Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

I haven't blogged in a very long time. It's unfortunate too but lately I've been stressed with choosing colleges and regents. Due to lack of writing I wrote something for you guys. Well for like the two people that actually take the time out to read my ramblings.

"The wind was the only sound in my room. It grazed my arms from time to time and kissed the panels on the walls. The room stayed silent. At times I would hear rustling from the other rooms on the second floor. Words continuously sent through technology into her heart. From what I’ve been hearing which isn’t much is He’s devoted to her. His heart is stitched onto her sleeve. His adulation continues to cultivate. From the LCD screen she sees his smile. Sometimes it widens when she transmitted the right words. Touch wasn’t a need for them. In a way I hoped she’d stop continuing her endeavors. Because these endeavors hurt me every single waking day. Knowing that his heart doesn’t belong to me and knowing that I’m never good enough to get an acknowledgement from the port world. "-Amanda Lee

I made this strictly from my heart :)