Friday, April 10, 2009

Why does everything have to be so intense with me?

Well, It's spring break and I feel so embarrassed. Most kids spend their spring break productively I spend my spring break hanging out at home on the computer almost 24/7. There's nothing good on T.V. because most channels assume that kids are doing whatever kids do which does not involve T.V. watching on their spring break. I've been working on my story more than ever since this spring break started which is good for me. What is not good for me is my lack of social contact. This spring break is going to be a downer in a good way. I can concentrate on my writing which I would need in the future. Also it would give my readers a chance to get to know me more.

So, I've decided that this blog would be about all the stuff you never knew about me.


1. I don't have a favorite color.
2. I'm a slight bit narcissist
3. I care about other people more than myself.
4. I want to be a writer( har dee har!). but mom doesn't have a clue.
5. I want to work for teen vogue for a little bit only because I want to wear some of the clothes in their magazine. They are so expensive and beautiful.
6. My mom thinks that I want to be a pharmacist.
7. I'm rethinking the whole prom thing. It's lame to dance in front of teacher, the main reason why I'm going is for the food.
8. I don't know why I said number seven because I never danced on a boy. EVER.
9. I'm kind of a jerk. A prick if you will.
10. I'm obsessed with reality T.V., shows like Real World, The Hills, The City and others amuse me
12. I get annoyed pretty easily.
13. I drop friends like no tomorrow.
14. I find faults about people before I even talk to them.
15. Once you get on my nerves I don't ever want to talk to you.
16. I'm quiet. Too quiet for my own good.
17. I actually can't wait to get of my High School.
18. I dislike choices.
19. I rather an ipod in shuffle mode than choosing a song on my own.
20. Never been in love.
21. When people talk to me, I tend to block out everything they say. Bad I know.
22. I haven't had an attraction for a guy for a while now.
23. I don't want a knight in armor, I just want someone that can hold a intellectual conversation with me.
24. I lose focus way too easily.
25. I dislike talking.
26. I talk to my sisters more than anyone else.
27. Dislike people that is not doing anything with their life.
28. Whenever I write I go on for some good juicy words.
29. Big words are so beautiful.
30. Vasectomy.- The male version of girls getting their tubes tied.
31. I listen to Colbie Caillat too much
32. My flirting sucks.
33. I read alot. I'm obsessed with reading.
34. Ordering books online is fun.
35. I liked this guy in Australia for a while now. I finally let go.
36. I am a home body.

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