Monday, March 23, 2009

But I know I got to put you down.

It's now 4:44 it's a palindrome. On Saturday, yeah I know a few days late I received my acceptance from a Community College. I remember sitting there, my sisters around me smiling I became very sad. See, I never imagined myself going to a community college. I imagined myself going to a NYU or a Princeton. But, How can I fool myself like that. I never busted my ass a day in my life for school until my junior year. My SAT was not up to par. Who was I to think so high of myself. I should be happy I got into college at all. Some people are not taking the time out to even apply to college. That is what I keep telling myself. But each time I say this repetitively to myself, I hear my heart going dump!.......................................dump!!!....................dump!!!. I feel so nostaglic. I mean who am I to judge this college, who knows if it won't be the best time of my life. Nope, I'm just sitting here feeling sorry for myself. I need to shake this pain and move on. I know the future is going to hold great things for me.

1 comment:

  1. Girl I feel the same way. Cause I def got into community and 2 yr schools. sigh.
